To Elope Or Not To Elope

To Elope Or Not To Elope

Welcome back lovebirds!

Today we are talking about a very hot topic: Micro Weddings and Elopements.

We know we have done a blog on this subject before…BUT today we are talking about the idea and question of whether or not you should elope…

As you know, 2020 was the year of the smaller event thanks to Covid.

Now, 2021 has been more about celebrating and finally getting to WED — BUT — micro weddings and elopements are still happening.

Are you wondering why?

We think this is a trend to stay. There is a lot to be said about the positive points for doing smaller affairs and we are going to run through some reasons on why you still might want to elope or do a micro wedding despite Covid not being the determining factor.

To Elope Or Not To Elope

Reasons TO ELOPE:

Budget Friend

Smaller weddings mean smaller guest counts which means a lot more money to go things you want to spend your budget on: photographer, food, honeymoon, etc.

Intimacy and Meaningful

Sometimes when you have a big day, it can feel a little less special and more like a show. If you have a smaller event then you may feel like you can really connect with the people who are there.

Venue/Vendor Availability

Micro weddings and elopements typically happen during the weekday or in slower seasons for wedding planning. Also, due to their size this may mean that venues and vendors have more flexibility to schedule them!

Destination Wedding Fun

When you think on a smaller scale, this might make traveling to your dream wedding destination more of a possibility! Plus, guests might be able to make it on the trip too!

Less Stress

If you are just focused on getting married and not all the fuss that can surround larger days, the likelihood that your stress level goes down goes way up!

Now, if you are wondering if there are any reasons to possibly not think smaller when it comes to your wedding, here are some reasons we came up:

Reasons to possibly NOT Elope

Inability To Celebrate With Everyone

When you go to a smaller type event, that usually means not being able to invite everyone you know to your big day. This can sometimes risk hurting people’s feelings or even make you sad not to see all the faces you want to see.

Not Getting Your “Dream Wedding”

By doing a more intimate event, some people worry that they are risking the ability to have that wedding they have always dreamt of. They think smaller means losing out on detail or sentiment…

Not as Traditional

With the idea of doing this newer “cooler” type of wedding, it is some people’s opinions that tradition of a “big day” will be lost if you do a micro wedding or elopement.

So, as you can see lovebirds, like with anything in life, there are pro’s and con’s to the idea of eloping..

We are big fans though and as we can see in the Central Texas area, lots of couples are loving this new idea and option for their special day too.

Need help knowing what venues can help you with your micro wedding or elopement?

Let us know and we will connect you with your favorite venues to discuss availability and smaller options 🙂

Until then, we can’t wait to hear about all  your planning adventures! 

Cheers to love and cheers to intimate events!


Tips for Enjoying Wedding Planning

Tips for Enjoying Wedding Planning


Welcome back to the WDW Blog, lovebirds!


Today we are talking about a subject you know we are all too passionate about: wedding planning!


Since we help you with one of the first steps of wedding planning, it is important to us to help you throughout the rest of the planning journey too.


Wedding planning can be so hard. It is a brand new endeavor that you have never tackled before and most likely never will again either. 


There are so many details, so many costs, so many questions! It can be completely overwhelming!


However, if done correctly, wedding planning can be really exciting and enjoyable too!

Here are some of our favorite tips for making the process a lot more fun and lot less hectic for you and your love!


Tips for Enjoying Wedding Planning


Hire HELP!

We know we might sound like a broken record, but this is the most important piece of advice we can give you: HIRE A PLANNER/COORDINATOR.

These professionals are incredible and are going to make the wedding planning process so much better for you. They will help you with timeline, details, bookings, etc. Trust us, if you are feeling overwhelmed you are going to feel so much better when you hire someone to help with all the little details you haven’t even thought of yet!


Hire Help You Connect With!

Hiring people you bond with is also SO important. If you hire someone you don’t like or don’t trust it is not going to help anything. In fact, it may do the exact opposite and make you feel even more stressed! No fun! Make sure you really vet the people you hire, interview them, see if you can really get along with them before putting them on the job.


Take Time Off

You might feel like planning your wedding is a second job. In some ways, it kind of is, especially if you are on a tight timeline. However, just like a normal job, it is ok to take time off! If you need a day (not weeks or months!!) to clear your mind and not think about all things wedding, take the day to have a little break. The break will help immensely and you will be ready to jump back in and tackle more details when you revisit everything.


Make it a Team Effort

You don’t have to go through this alone. After all, you are getting married to someone, so let that special someone help you and jump in! They say there is strength in numbers, so let your partner join in on the fun, make decisions and be collaborative with you! It will make the process all the more special too if you work together because come wedding day you can look at the amazing day you created together!


Make it Fun

Wedding planning doesn’t mean you have to be on the computer or on the phone all day bored and alone. Especially if you have your partner helping out, make it a fun and relaxing experience. Maybe go on a date and during the date look at all the florists you love on Instagram. Eating and planning can totally go hand in hand. Plus what is more romantic than talking about your upcoming wedding day??


Hopefully all these little tips will make your wedding planning process much smoother, lovebirds!


It is our hope for you all that you love the journey and enjoy every moment that leads up to your special day.


If you are struggling or need more help, let us know! That is why we are here. 


Until then, take a deep breath, enjoy the process, and watch your beautiful wedding unfold!





Wedding Seasons: Pro’s and Con’s

Wedding Seasons: Pro’s and Con’s

Hi there lovebirds!

Can you believe August is just around the corner??

That means that Fall weddings will soon be upon us…but with the weather still telling us it is very much summer, it has us thinking about ALL the wedding seasons.

With every season there are Pro’s and Con’s to getting married due to the time of year and what the weather has to offer.

Today we wanted to give you a little food for thought snippets when it comes to thinking about when you might want to have your wedding.

Take a look at just a handful of things to consider when picking the season for your big day!

Wedding Seasons: Pro’s and Con’s



  1. The Beautiful Weather — Fall is stunning and gorgeous. There is a reason it is the favorite peak season for weddings in Texas. The climate is lovely, the scenery is gorgeous, the beauty is like no other season!
  2. Less is More — Because Fall is such a beautiful season, you really don’t have to worry about decor as much. You can let your surroundings do the talking — or simply decorate with fall themed elements like pumpkins or lanterns.


  1. Holiday Timing — After Halloween, the rest of the year is surrounded and based off of Holidays. Thanksgiving and December based holidays keep everyone busy, so you may possibly need to consider this when it comes to guest availability.
  2. Indoor Options Might Be Hard to Come By — Due to the fact that Fall is a peak season, it may be hard to secure any venue — but specifically booking an indoor facility might be hard too. Be sure to plan ahead of time!



  1. Lower $$$ — You have to love the budget friendly seasons. Winter is a slower season for weddings in Texas so that most likely means that venues and vendors may have better pricing if you are wanting to stick to a budget.
  2. So Romantic — Winter means all the romantic things, candlelight, snuggles, warming beverages…it is all so romantic! This is a great element that goes hand in hand with weddings. What is better than a romance filled wedding?


  1. Baby, it is COLD Outside — The likelihood that a winter wedding is going to be chilly is high. Consider this when thinking about if a venue has warming options for guests and your attire too! You don’t want to feel icy come wedding day.
  2. Shorter Picture Windows — In the winter, the sun goes down SO early — that means that you are going to want to plan with your photographer about an earlier timeline for your big day. You don’t want to miss out on the golden hour shots!



  1. Nature Speaks For Itself — Spring is so gorgeous! From the blooming buds, to the abundance of greenery — this season gives you such a lovely natural background for your big day.
  2. Picture Perfection — the capabilities you have for pictures — timing, lighting, etc. are pure perfection. 


  1. Competition is Stiff — Due to this being the MOST popular wedding season in Texas, there is a good chance that you might have to wait or really plan ahead for your wedding. Spring dates are the first to go so beware!
  2. Beware of Allergies — If you are a Texan, you know what we mean here. Pack some tissues and drink lots of water. The sneezing is bound to happen.



  1. Open Calendars — with Summer being a slower part of the year for weddings, venues and vendors most likely will have some great choices for weekend dates! 
  2. Plenty of Picture Time — Summer means the longest days in the year, which means plenty of time for pictures! Soak it up and use it!


  1. It’s Hot In Here… — is it ever not hot in Texas?? Summer is surely warm so when thinking about getting married in this season be sure to consider ways you can keep your guests and yourself cool on the big day.
  2. Too Much Lighting — there is such thing as too much lighting, if you can believe it. During summer days the sun is usually out and brighter than ever. This can make it hard to capture darker images — so if you get married here be ready for bright pictures!

As you can see this is only a handful of things to consider when you are picking a good time to get married during the year.

There are so many things to consider, but hopefully this list will get your brain pumping and excited about what season you want to choose.

If you need help or have any seasonal based questions – let us know! We are both native Texans so we know ALL about the seasons and can help you find a venue who will be the best fit for when you want to get married.

Until then lovebirds, cheers to all four seasons and all the love!


Didi Russell: Wedding Venue Expert

Didi Russell: Wedding Venue Expert


Today we are calling all lovebirds AND venue owners!


We are really excited to introduce you to an amazing woman who is here to help wedding couples and wedding professionals in all kinds of ways.


Let us introduce you to the amazing Didi Russell: Wedding Venue Expert —  of Wedding Nerd and


This gal is one of a kind and knows about all things weddings.

We are currently working with her and learning all about wedding venues around the country so we can help our lovebirds find and book the best wedding venues in the country!

However, she can do so much more!

Here is a little bit of information about Didi:


Didi Russell is a self proclaimed #wedding nerd. She helps wedding venue owners connect with each other for support, information and a sense of community. She also loves helping engaged couples find wedding venues through her website’s wedding venue search map and wedding venue gallery.


Learn more about Didi and all her amazing offerings here:


Engaged Couples:

If you would like help finding a wedding venue just send Didi a request for help! She will send you a list of venues within 24 hours of your initial inquiry and will help you with any of your questions. Everything she does for couples is FREE! While she is not a planner, her knowledge is invaluable.


Wedding Venue Owners & Managers:

Think about joining her amazing Facebook group for wedding venue owners and managers. This is a private group where you can find incredible information on everything you need to know about contracts, daily operations, venue management, advertising – anything you can think of, is talked about in this group. Our sister company, Ma Maison is in the group and has enjoyed the experience and the people immensely! 


Are you starting to see why we adore working with her?


This woman is so passionate about weddings and can really teach you so very much whether you are a lovebird looking for a wedding venue or a venue manager looking to connect with others and learn more.


If you want to learn more, please visit her site here.


Have fun with Didi, lovebirds and friends!


Until next time, cheers to you and cheers to love!



Venue Showcase: Springdale Station

Venue Showcase: Springdale Station


Well hello lovebirds!


It is that time again! Time to introduce you to another amazing Central Texas wedding venue!


Springdale Station is located in the downtown heart of Austin, Texas. It is an amazing option for all kinds of events and is splendidly unique.


Venue Showcase: Springdale Station

First we want to take a little look at its historical roots. 


“Springdale Station is a historic train station built by Arthur Upshaw Boone. Arthur Boone, a descendent of Daniel Boone, was born in 1921 in Kentucky and passed away in 2008. After fighting in World War II, he moved to Austin to begin a food manufacturing company, Frostex Foods. As his business thrived for nearly four decades, he invested his resources into his passion for trains and built what is now known as Springdale Station in the field next door to his warehouse.

Boone sold his business in 1987 and his family later sold the property to a local developer in 2003. Springdale Station is nestled alongside the warehouse, sitting in a beautiful field as if it were a time capsule. Owner Moya McIntyre conceived the idea to breathe life back into the old relic. She joined forces with the developer to convert the unique train station into a public event venue to be shared with all of Austin. 

In the summer of 2016, Springdale Station opened to the public, as an event venue, a one of a kind space to host parties, receptions, fundraisers, weddings, and community events.”

Now, on to the interesting booking points!


Booking Options:

There are two booking options, so you can pick what works best for you!

  1. “Do it Yourself (DIY)” 
  2. “Turnkey”.

 DIY means that you rent the venue from Springdale Station and then you hire your own caterer, bartender, florist, etc. 

Turnkey is when we organize everything for you using our in-house vendors. This can be a great option if you would like the venue to handle all of the details.


Their Rental Rates:

They fluctuate depending on the day of the week and the month of the year. The nightly rate ranges from $3,000 to $7,300 depending on the season.


Amenities included with the rental price:

A comprehensive furniture package, which includes (300) fruitwood chairs, (125) white ceremony chairs, (20) 60” round tables, (18) 8′ banquet tables, (10) 30” cocktail tables, (9) 36″ natural wood cocktail tables, (2) sweetheart tables, (2) 6′ tables, (16) copper barstools, (10) gold barstools, (4) custom hardwood farm tables, and (3) two mobile wooden bars  + all of the setup and break down labor (Please note that linens and all dining items including cups, flatware, plates, napkins must be rented from an outside vendor or bought and brought in.)

A contemporary triangular maple wedding arch with a brass inlay

A hand crafted steal diamond arch with a brass patina 

Privacy curtain for outdoor wedding ceremonies

In-house styled lounge sets with two indoor lounges and one outdoor lounge

In-house floral options

Yard games


Is it just us or does this venue sound like a dream?

We love their team, we love the location, we love the building…there is so much to love!

Be sure to check out Springdale Station if you are looking for a one of a kind venue for your special day. We cannot recommend it enough!


Have questions or want us to connect you?

Let us know!

Until next time lovebirds, cheers to amazing wedding venues!





*all information taken from Springdale Station website*

*all photos taken from Springdale Station Instagram*


Tips for Summer Weddings

Tips for Summer Weddings


Happy Summer, lovebirds!

Are you so happy that Texas Summer is here or are you yearning for the days of cooler weather?


We are total suckers for summer time. Warmer weather, pool time, yummy cocktails…what’s not to love. That’s why we were inspired to write about some tips that may help those of you who want to do a Summer wedding in Texas!


We are so ready to help you tackle the heat and keep all your loved ones cool on your big day!

SO…how can you help tackle the heat and make your warmer wedding a smashing success?


Here are our Tips for Summer Weddings




Hydrating is important for so many reasons!

When it comes to you, drink lots of water before you head down the aisle. You don’t want to get to the ceremony and be dying from thirst or feeling woozy from being dehydrated1


For your guests…hydrate them too. Provide your guests with cooling beverages BEFORE and AFTER the ceremony. If you are planning on having an outdoor ceremony, think about providing a beverage station with at least water to your guests so they can grab a sip ahead of sitting in the sun waiting for the ceremony to begin. Trust us when we say your guests are going to be SO happy they had something to quench their thirst.


Pop Up


Summer weddings mean summer treats! 


If it is going to be especially warm during your wedding, think about treating your guests to some popsicles or ice cream! You can even get creative and get boozy pops made or incorporate ice cream into your signature cocktail. Plus, this will make for such great photos! Talk about a win-win for you and your guests!




Love the sun, but hate to squint? Us too! Sunglasses are summer’s best friend!


How about some sunglasses to help guests get a better view during a sunny ceremony? Sunglasses are a great thing because, 1. They provide shade and sun relief to guests 2. They are a great prop for photo booths or reception fun 3. They can be your guest favors! Plus, you can get creative and customize them with your names or wedding date! These items are not only fun but oh so useful!


Fan Please!


Whether we are talking electric or hand held, this is a great idea!


Fans can be an absolute lifesaver when it comes to a warmer event. Whether you make the fan out of our ceremony card or have hand held options available, these will make any guest feel cooler and breezier while outside. This is another great way to personalize a detail for your wedding day! 


Calm, Cool and Delicious


Who doesn’t love yummy eats come summer time?


Summer food is delicious food. One way to keep guests cool and not bogged down during the party is offering some cooler options to eat. Think salads, fruits, cold soups, etc. Cooler food can be just as delicious, we promise!


These are just a few of our ideas lovebirds. If you are loving the thought of a Summer event and need more ideas, let us know!

We are big summer lovers around here and would love to help!


Until then, enjoy the pool and plan plan plan!